Yesterday I spent a few hours in the area south of Stockholm in -10 degrees centigrade shooting a flock of Bearded Reedlings and a Northern Hawk Owl. The owl is a irregular visitor to southern Sweden, occurring only some winters when the rodent populations in the north of Sweden are declining. The reedlings are more common, but often hard to see as they stick in think reeds for most of their lives.
Stefan Johansson 2016-05-11
Hej Daniel! Härliga bilder 🙂 Vilken brännvidd använder du oftast när du fotograferar fåglar?
Mvh Stefan
Daniel Pettersson 2016-05-24 — Inläggsförfattare
Hej Stefan. Oftast 600 mm x 1,4 extender, d.v.s. 840 mm. Ibland även 1200 eller 600 mm. Väldigt sällan tar jag också någon bild med 70-200/2,8.
Ha det bra!
Daniel Pettersson 2016-11-13 — Inläggsförfattare
Hej Stefan! Oftast 840 mm.