Daniel Pettersson Photography

Swedish spring treats

Lately I’ve been really busy birding and working. Since I got home on May 1st, I’ve been attending three major workshops in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Munich, plus trying to catch up with an overloaded mail box. Therefore the time hasn’t really been there to edit images or make blog posts.
However, I’ve been very active with the camera lately. I spent the first weekend of May photographing in Skåne, getting a rare Subalpine Warbler as well as the scarce breeders Kentish Tern and Firecrest. Back home in Sweden I’ve been working on photographing a pair of breeding Black-throated Loons. Hopefully I’ll be able to track them all summer.

The next trip isn’t very far away either. From June 5th, I’ll be birding around Anchorage, Nome and Barrow, Alaska until midsummer, so stay tuned for much more images!

Best regards,

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

Common Firecrest | brandkronad kungsfågel | Regulus ignicapilla

Common Firecrest | brandkronad kungsfågel | Regulus ignicapilla

Subalpine Warbler | rödstrupig sångare  | Sylvia cantillans

Subalpine Warbler | rödstrupig sångare | Sylvia cantillans

Sandwich Tern | kentsk tärna  | Thalasseus sandvicensis

Sandwich Tern | kentsk tärna | Thalasseus sandvicensis

Common Eider | ejder | Somateria mollissima

Common Eider | ejder | Somateria mollissima

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

Black-throated Loon | storlom | Gavia arctica

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