Last Friday I arrived at Oakland Airport, picked up my rental car and started a 15 day road trip which will take me to L.A. on April 24th, via Yosemite, Morro Bay, Santa Ynez and Santa Barbara. I’m not really sure whether I’m also going to head east from L.A. towards Joshua Tree N.P., time will tell..
Anyhow, I’ve spent the first few days around Monterey in a nice mix of habitats, mostly along the coast. I guess I’m already over a 100 species but I haven’t really counted them, yet. Here are some of a very small number of images I’ve edited so far.

Western Bluebird | västsialia | Sialia mexicana

Lesser Scaup | mindre bergand | Aythya affinis

Lesser Scaup | mindre bergand | Aythya affinis

Lesser Scaup | mindre bergand | Aythya affinis

Buff-bellied Pipit | hedpiplärka | Anthus rubescens

Clark’s Grebe | ljus svandopping | Aechmophorus clarkii

Black Turnstone | svart roskarl | Arenaria melanocephala

Surfbird | bränningssnäppa | Calidris virgata

Pt Pinos, Pacific Grove.

Pt Pinos, Pacific Grove.

Harbor Seal | Knubbsäl | Phoca vitulina

Brandt’s Cormorant | blåstrupig skarv | Phalacrocorax penicillatus

Bullock’s Oriole | bullocktrupial | Icterus bullockii